Intervention vs. CRISIS intervention: What’s the difference?
When I was hired as a psychologist consultant for The Extractors, a TV series out of Toronto filmed in the US, "crisis" was the focus. Intervention is not to be confused with crisis intervention, a [...]
PaciaLife Portugal: Helping Gap Year Youth on Road to Maturity!
Let me be the first to introduce you to a new concept for "developing adults" 17 y.o. to 25 y.o. males and females. It is a gap year program in Cascais, Portugal. It looks to [...]
From London — AMAZING iCAAD Stories
Every so many conferences you get out of the conference what you hope to get out of it, and that's certainly what happened in London this month. iCAAD is an addiction and mental health centered [...]
Podcast on! Listen in on Neil Brown’s interview of Dr Burdick
Neil Brown, LCSW extraordinaire interviews Dr Burdick (aka The American Psychologist) traveling the world and sharing views on sharing of cultures, travel and living overseas. What the family needs to survive! Mandatory listening for anyone [...]
Den Hague FIGT2018 Welcomes Dr Burdick
It's with pride that I've accepted the invitation to present this coming week in Den Hague at the Family in Global Transition 2018 conference. This is a conference I attended last year, and found many [...]
How Impressive, HDMi and the WEBA October 2017 Conference together in Switzerland!
Is this where I YODLE! in telling what great job Richard, Daniela, Jimmy did in putting this conference together? I'm not sure that anyone could ever outdo themselves, but every year the annual conference gets [...]